6 Months to go…

Okay, I am at the place where I was scared I would be. Feeling like I am disorganised and underprepared. It’s so typical of me! I am so gun-ho with getting in to projects, and then my interest goes to other places.

Understandably there has been a fair lot going on with us lately, and Wedding planning has not been a priority – up until now I guess.
And I have a confession to make – I cheated on my dress last night. I tried on one that was in the window of a store. And you know what? I am actually glad I did.
This dress did not suit, nor did it fit me. It was a staticky fabric, and although it was breathtakingly beautiful on the mannequin, on me it was horrid. I do not suit off white lacy things. I am not a dainty creature, and this just made me look very odd indeed.
So, now I can move on with my dress. Grandma is working her magic on it as we speak. The only thing I know I HAVE to do is really get back in to proper exercise. 20 minutes walking the dog is just not cutting it. I am contemplating buying some of ‘those’ walking shoes, but not the ones that look like orthopedic nightmares. There are a pair of New Balance toning shoes that look pretty normal, so I think I am going to invest. And I need to toughen up with this cold weather and just go for a jog. That’s all it will take.

Nic and I are also using this time to overhaul our diet. Never in my life did I realise how bad winter eating can be! We have been pretty lazy on it, so yesterday I decided to really think about nutrient content and really what we were eating. I made (and I should have taken a photo of it) a DIVINE Quinona, chicken and mixed green salad. It was insane.

So, the theme is making good habits and sticking to them. I would ideally like to lose about 5 kgs, but I am happy with just feeling better and clothes fitting well. See how mature my outlook is now that I am 30??

So, this 6 months is going to be intense. It will be focused on exercise, and saving a bucketload of money to fund this thing! I know we can reach our goals though.

Here is to happy planning!


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